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Why Join a Supporter Group?


Football has a long history of supporter groups, in the United States and around the world. Supporter groups form to create a community of fans. These fans unite around the common love for a particular team, through good times and bad. The advantage for the team is that the social aspects of supporter groups increase fan loyalty and support (Cocco). The advantage for the fans is that the game day experience becomes about more than the actual game and is a social/emotional experience.


A key aspect of supporter groups is the use of ritual. Each group has their own songs, chants, and drumming patterns. Members who join the group are expected to learn and share along in the performative aspects of watching a game. Groups also use signage and TIFO – TIFO creation being another group ritual, as the group members create the TIFO before each home game. As we have learned, ritual is an important part of folklore and, in the case of supporter groups, is a critical way for group members to identify with the group. (Sims)

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